In the Project scientific tasks (3–6) are divided between Partners on the basis of their experiences, know-how as well as research and technical capabilities:
Task 3. Computational chemistry – Tromsø; Leader: UiT
Task 4. Molecular modeling, synthesis and biology – Warsaw; Leader: – NMI
Task 5. Medicinal chemistry – Kraków; Leader: IP-PAS
Task 6. Biochemistry and pharmacology – Kraków; Leader: IP-PAS
Task 3.
University of Tromsø coordinates all computational studies, that are carried out by all Partners. Modeling at Tromsø and Warsaw centers is directed mainly towards SERT and 5-HT1A receptors, whereas modeling group in Kraków is focused on “higher-end” serotonergic receptors, i.e. 5-HT6 and 5-HT7. The new mGluR models, are developed by Tromsø and Kraków groups.